Introducing an App for dynamic promotion.
The KARROT app is an innovative mobile application, combining a marketing platform, enabling the promotion of brands, products, business and services though AR (Augmented Reality). Dynamically delivering interactive content for engaging communication to help propel a brand, a product, promotion or support sales initiatives, awareness, profile and much, much more...
We have built the App and have the platform & hosting in place. With minimum outlay you can take advantage of this innovative marketing tool with your very own personalised AR content applied to your packaging & promotional material.
The App also contains a dedicated QR scanner, a campaign manager platform and analytics to provide real-time analysis.
Download the Trigger pack below for a demonstration, and to invoke an augmented reality action.
Ensure you have WiFi or Mobile Data connection, tap the viewfinder icon, locate the printed item, frame the area which is enabled in the camera view and ‘hey presto’! Some actions open web pages, others stream videos and some have a surprise in store by overlaying multimedia in the real world!
Available for download on the App Store and Google Play
For more information
CONTACT US today to discuss your requirements.